There are so many methods and techniques that one can not only get confused by the names and their implementation. If we are talking about acupressure, hydromassage, classical massage, everything is clear. But What’s the Difference Between Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage?

Swedish massage

Swedish massage, or Swedish Massage System, is a unique technique for the treatment and prevention of many musculoskeletal disorders, joint and muscle problems. There is no need to pick up medication or choose from a variety of techniques. Classical Swedish Massage works wonders, healing the body from many ailments.

The time of appearance of the technique is the beginning of the 19th century. The masseur and doctor from Stockholm Per Ling studied various techniques, paying attention to many of them, but in practice it turned out that in each of them something was missing. It is worth noting that the doctor himself suffered from rheumatism. The disease gave him the impetus to develop his own exercises and massage therapy techniques, combining various techniques.

If you want a deeper workout and can tolerate more pressure to get relief from chronic muscle pain, it is better to book a deep tissue massage, which is another form of Swedish massage. If you have pain, you will probably need a course of massage to get results.  Swedish massage and other therapeutic massages are performed by trained, licensed massage therapists.

What is a deep tissue massage?

Deep tissue massage is one of the most effective methods of massage. One of the main purposes of deep tissue massage is to eliminate deformities of the connective tissue: fascia, tendons, ligaments and other tissues. And here this method has no competitors among massage methods.  

Why is it necessary to eliminate connective tissue deformities? The fact is that connective tissue is the mechanical basis of the entire body. Connective tissue penetrates absolutely all parts and organs of the body. It is what gives the body its shape and makes movement possible. If muscles can be compared to a motor, then connective tissue is the moving part of the body.  Muscle is enclosed in a case of connective tissue, with its help is attached to the bones, which also consist of connective tissue. In the total mass of the muscle, fascia makes up about 30%. Each muscle fiber is encased in fascia, each group of fibers and the entire muscle as a whole is also encased in fascial sheath. 

Due to a number of reasons the connective tissue can become deformed, a kind of restriction is formed.  If the fascial sheath of the muscle is deformed, the muscle in it feels like a person in clothes that are too small for him. The muscle loses the ability to contract normally, weakens. In response to this, a whole complex of adaptive reactions occurs in the body. The overloaded areas of the body begin to ache. This situation can only be corrected by correcting the connective tissue deformity.